
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Math Update


We have started a new math topic, and will be addressing standard 3.NBT.2 in the coming weeks.  This standard covers many things including:
- Solving 3 digit addition problems using an expanded algorithm
- Add 3 digit numbers using place value blocks or pictures and the standard algorithm
- Add 3 digit numbers using paper and pencil methods
- Add 3 or more 2 and/or 3 digit numbers using paper and pencil methods
- Draw a picture to solve a problem
- Solve 3 digit subtraction problems by breaking them into smaller, easier subtraction problems
- Subtract 3 digit numbers using place value blocks or pictures and the standard subtraction algorithm
- Subtract 3 digit numbers using paper and pencil methods
- Determine whether both sides of an equation are equal and find the value of the unknown
-  Solve problems by writing a number sentence
- Solve problems by writing a number sentence based on a picture they have drawn describing a problem

The new vocabulary words for this unit are:

equation - a number sentence that uses an equal sign to show that the value to its left is the same as the value to its right

inverse operation - operations that "undo" each other, such as addition and subtraction

Please remember that you are encouraged to check your students Envisions account to see how they are doing on online tests.  Here are step by step instructions for how to locate your child's work on the Envisions website:

 To view the score summary associated  with  Student's Topic 01: Topic Test results, please follow these steps:

1.  Login to Student's account.
2.  Select the "Classes" option.
3.  Select the Completed (1) tab
4.  Select Topic 01: Topic Test assignment.
5.  Select Topic Test.
6.  On the Score Summary Screen, scroll until you view the Question/Answer/Points per Question and View Question section.
7.  Select the View question link in order to view the question and the student's submitted answer.

Please be on the lookout for information about Family Math Night which will be happening in November this year. Surveys completed by attendees last year were extremely positive, and several people suggested that the event happen earlier in the school year so that families can receive information in a more timely manner.  I will let you know as soon as the date is confirmed, and hope to see you all there.

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