
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Math news

Image result for addition and subtraction
The students took their first math test on Friday. Remember, you may log into their Pearson account to view their test and see what they did well on, as well as what they need more work on.    Their passwords went home on Curriculum Night.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

This week we will be starting to add and subtract numbers.  We will be using the following vocabulary words during our study of this unit:

Addends:  number added together to give a sum
Sum:  the answer when two or more addends are added together
Commutative Property of Addition:  Numbers can be added in any order and the sum will be the same
Associative Property of Addition:  Numbers can be grouped in any way and the sum will be the same
Identity Property of Addition:  The sum of zero and any number is that number
Difference:  the answer when you subtract two numbers
Fact family:  A group of related facts using the same numbers
Estimate:  to give a number or answer that tells about how many or how much
Compatible numbers:  Numbers that are easy to add, subtract, multiply or divide mentally

 We will be working on the following standards:

3.NBT.A.2  Use concrete materials and concepts of addition to model the Commutative, Associative and Identity properties of addition
3.NBT.A.2  Recognize situations when subtraction is used to solve a problem and write a number sentence
3.NBT.A.2  Solve problems by adding with mental math
3.NBT.A.2  Solve problems by subtracting with mental math
3.NBT.A.2  Solve problems by estimating sums
3.NBT.A.2  Solve problems by estimating differences
3.OA.D.8  Solve word problems and check for reasonableness

Students should be practicing their math facts each night on the Xtramath website.  Please let me know if your child is unable to use this website for any reason, and we will arrange another method for practicing their facts. 

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