
Friday, February 5, 2016

The Latest News

We have been REALLY busy in room 20 lately.  Recently "Atomic A" came to present the Vibes Program to the third grade.  This is a wonderful experience when the children perform all kinds of experiments to learn about sound.  Here are some pictures from the program.

Thank you to the PCC for making this program possible.

We have recently completed book groups across the third grade.  Each student was put in a club with students from all three third grades, and they read the same book, and then came together to discuss the stories.  This was a huge success!  Children worked very hard to prepare for their discussions, and enjoyed their conversations immensely.  They really deepened their understanding of the books by listening to each others ideas. Here are a few pictures of that.

We have written quite a bit of haiku inspired by the book Dogku by Andrew Clements.  We will be submitting these poems in a contest in the hopes of getting them published in a book! I will keep you posted on the results.

We have also been doing quite a bit of opinion writing.  The children have learned how to make a claim, or thesis statement, support it with strong reasons, make a counterclaim, and write a concluding statement.  Many of their topics are things that may interest you!  Be on the lookout for these to come home shortly after vacation.

In math we have just finished our study of multiplication and division, and are moving on to fractions.  We will continue to practice facts, and I encourage you to play games at home to strengthen your children's fluency with addition and multiplication facts as these are the foundation for everything else we do in math.

Here are the standards we will be addressing in the fraction unit:

3.NF.A.1  Identify and divide regions into equal sized parts, identify and draw fractional parts of a region, identify fractional parts of a set, write to explain whether an answer is correct or not
3.NF.A.2a Locate and compare fractions on a number line
3.NF.A.2b Identify fractional parts and mixed numbers on a number line, identify and draw fractional parts of a length

Vocabulary for the fraction unit includes:

Halves - two equal parts of a whole
Thirds - three equal parts of a whole
Fourths - four equal parts of a whole
Fifths - five equal parts of a whole
Sixths - six equal parts of a whole
Eighths - eight equal parts of a whole
tenths - ten equal parts of a whole
twelfths - twelve equal parts of a whole
fraction - a symbol that names the part of a whole, a part of a set, or a location on a number line
numerator - the number above the fraction bar in a fraction, it tells how many equal parts
denominator - the number below the fraction bar in a fraction, it tells the total number of equal parts
unit fraction - a fraction with a numerator of 1
benchmark fractions - commonly used fractions such as 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4
mixed number - a number with a whole number part and a fraction part

I will be sending home a fraction game next week.

Lastly, we will have a little Valentine celebration Friday before vacation.  Please send your child in with a special snack. They may also bring valentine cards for their friends, if they wish.  I ask that if your child does bring cards, please make sure there is one for everyone.  I will send home a note on Monday with classmate names.

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful snow day!

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