
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Reading buddies

Friday we celebrated Orange and Black Day at Parmenter School.  As an added treat, we went to visit Mrs. Zarrella's class to do some reading.  All of the children were completely engaged in their books, and enjoyed sharing the stories with each other.  Here is a sneak peek.

This is something we will do occasionally throughout the year.  We will be bringing some of our own writing to first grade to model different genres for the first graders, too.  Stay tuned for more pictures.

Plimouth Plantation

Third graders had a wonderful field trip this week to Plimouth Plantation.  The weather looked a little iffy, however, it turned into a beautiful fall day.  Here are some pictures from our journey.  Be sure to ask your children for specific details of things they saw, heard, smelled, and touched.  If any chaperones have additional pictures, I would be happy to add them to the blog if you send them to me.  Thanks and enjoy!

A big thank you to the PCC for making this trip possible.  The children had an amazing time, and learned many interesting details about life in the 17th century.