
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Big news!

The Community Building Team at Parmenter Elementary School has been looking into the issue of homework and the added stress and anxiety that it causes many students and families outside of the school day.  The third grade team is embracing the research that supports the fact that much of this stress and anxiety can be alleviated if children have more time to play, relax, and enjoy their families and after-school activities.

We have decided to pilot a new perspective on homework in third grade.  From now until the end of the year, students will be expected to continue to do their 20 minutes of reading each night AND their 10 minutes of math fact practice each night (because these two activities have been shown to significantly improve students’ reading and math skills). However, we are eliminating the usual written math practice sheets AND the written weekly reading logs as homework. Instead, students will be discussing their weekly reading and math practice on Fridays.

Long-term and periodic projects such as the MA Scavenger Hunt Scrapbooks and the Moon Journals will continue to be an integral part of the third grade learning experience.  There may also be occasional work sent home with individuals for reasons due to extenuating circumstances such as extended absence or incomplete school work.

We have not taken this decision lightly and have considered it from all angles. We truly think this change is in the best interest of every elementary student in our grade and look forward to how it will positively affect your family lives! As partners in your children’s education, we thank you for your continued and invaluable support and we will be looking for your feedback at the end of the school year.