
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Franklin: Garden advances science learning

We met with the school committee last night to celebrate all of the learning happening with the third grade garden. See the following article from the Milford Daily News for details.

Franklin: Garden advances science learning

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Yesterday we noticed that there was quite a bit of lettuce in our hydroponic garden.  


After school it got picked.  Today we celebrated all of our hard work by having another lettuce party.  Here is the reaction:

"It's really good!" commented Olivia.
"Fantabulous!" said Harika.   
"Delicious," Charlotte told us.
Will said, "I liked the texture."
Tia commented that it was, "yummy in my tummy."
"It was the best meal I ever had," commented Abby.  "This is the best project that we have done in the whole school year."
"It was so amazing because the dressing went really well with the lettuce," Jack exclaimed.
"It was sweet," said Giovanni,
"But kind of sour," Gavin added.
Hayden thought, "Our work turned out delicious."
Keira was glad that, "Our hard work paid off." 
"It was a little bitter without the dressing."
"It was delightful," stated Connor.
"That was the best lettuce I ever ate," thought Josh.
"It was so good I ate every bite off of my plate," Peter stated.
"Harika licked the plate clean!"added Abby.
"I thought the lettuce was so good, I wanted another plate," said Alex.
"It was better than brownies!" 

We are looking forward to other things growing in soon.