
Friday, December 11, 2015

What's New in Room 20

We have been SO busy in room 20!  The students are really enjoying learning how to multiply.  I have met with each child to check their flashcards, and we have narrowed the pile down to specific cards that the students should be studying.  Please look in your child's folder, and encourage them to practice the cards as often as possible.  They have a pile of cards that they know, and a pile of cards that they should practice.  We have discussed that the cards that they know should be looked at occasionally so that they remember them, and the ones to be practiced should be practiced several times a day.  Throwing out math facts while driving in the car or waiting in a long line is a great way to pass some time with your child.  We will be updating those piles as the children learn the cards, and replacing them with new facts as needed.

We are in the middle of reading The Year of Billy Miller by Kevin Henkes.  This book has a plethora of rich vocabulary words, and we are focusing on noticing new words, and playing with them so that we increase our word knowledge.  Please reinforce this concept by talking with your child about new words that you come across during your time together.

We have been writing informational texts.  We are using everything we learned from reading information texts, such as text features and text structures, to organize our writing, and make it more interesting.  Look for the published pieces in portfolios after the break.

Baker Family Tree: Chapter 34 - Our Ancestor Ralph Hutchinson 

We are continuing our study of Colonial America.  We have been looking closely at the Pilgrims and the Puritans and seeing how they are alike, as well as how they are different. Ask your child to tell you some of the things they have learned, specifically about what jobs the children would have to carry out for their families in that time period.

The children and I have spent time recently discussing third grade expectations.  They have reflected on what has been going well this year, and what could be going better.  I am currently meeting with each child to discuss this, and every child will bring home a plan that they have created for themselves with their report card.  Please be looking for these in your child's folder on Monday.

Wishing you a relaxing time with family and friends.  See you next year!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Today we had a special visitor to our school, author Natasha Lowe.  She showed us her published books, and told us how she wrote them.  She also showed us a new book that she was working on that hasn't been published yet.  Her published books are called The Power of Poppy Pendle and The Courage of Cat Campbell.  Cat Campbell is Poppy Pendle's daughter.  Natasha's next book will be about Poppy's great grandmother Mable.  All of these characters are magical.  Here is her website if you would like to learn more about her or her books.  Thank you so much Natasha Lowe for coming to our school.  We really enjoyed it!