
Monday, November 16, 2015

Math update

We have spent the last week or so learning how to tell time to the minute, as well as calculating elapsed time. These are skills that we will continue to work on throughout the remainder of the year.  When you are with your child, take a moment every once in a while to ask them what time it is, and have them use an analog clock to tell you.  This practice is invaluable as they are learning the concept.

The children are very excited that we are now moving on to multiplication. We are starting by thinking about the concept of multiplication being repeated addition, or equal groups of things.  We will then move into facts after that.  Some of the vocabulary that we will be using are:

multiplication:  an operation that gives the total number when you join equal groups

factors:  numbers that are multiplied to give a product

product:  the answer to a multiplication problem

array:  a way of displaying objects in equal rows

Commutative Property of Multiplication:  numbers can be multiplied in any order and the product will be the same

Some of the standards that we are working on are:

3.OA.A.1 Write multiplication sentences for repeated addition situations and find products

3.OA.A.3  Write multiplication sentences for arrays and use arrays to find products

3.OA.B.5  Write multiplication sentences and use the Communtattive Property of Multiplication

3.OA.A.3  Write math stories for given multiplication facts

3.OA.A.3, 3.OA.D.9  Use objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology to provide a written explanation reflecting their understanding

Please look in your child's folder for the Home School Connection letter regarding this unit.  Several new games have been added to this website to help your child practice multiplication.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Thank you so much to everyone for the donation of candy for our troops.  This morning we were able to collect almost an entire box full of candy.  We will be collecting through Friday.

Thanks again for your generosity!